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Home » Departments » Assessors
Tim Baker, Chair
Scott Darling, Member
Randall Austin, Associate Assessor
Lorane Wickland, Administrative Assistant

(413) 642-8105
email the Assessors

2nd & 4th Thursday: 11AM-2PM
1st & 3rd Thursday: By appointment

Second Thursday of the month at 7:30pm

TAX RATE (2024)
Real Estate: $12.74
Personal Property: $12.74
Commercial: $12.74

GIS Mapping
Property Record Cards


The Board of Assessors is responsible for maintaining a list and description of every parcel of real property within the confines of the Town. It is the job of the Board of Assessment and the Department to place a valuation on all real estate and personal property items (business equipment) within the Town. They are also responsible for all non-taxable real property (consisting of land and improvements).

The department also processes an annual submission by the taxpayers of over valuation through the abatement procedure. The exemptions for elderly, age 65+, disabled veterans, widows/widowers and blind persons are also processed through this Department. The department is also, in conjunction with the granting of building permits by the Building Inspections Department, responsible for reassessing all properties which have been changed or upgraded.

Based upon the requirements set forth by the Department of Revenue (DOR), all cities and towns must conduct a revaluation every five years of all personal and real property. It is through this process and constant gathering of sales data, that the Board and the Department, are able to keep current with the values and the DOR requirements. All values derived must be certified by the Department of Revenue in writing before the Town’s annual tax roll and tax rate can be set.